
Sunday School

This is a ministry within RCCG which was designed for the teaching and studying of the Word of God during Sunday Service. This permit Interactions between Parishioners as they can freely make Contributions, ask Questions and give Answers all the same. This is very important as it contributes to Spiritual Maturity of the Parishioners. 

There are manual already prepared for this teaching from the Headquarters of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) as these are normally ordered from RCCG-Sunday School, UK every year in this Parish. There is different Manual for different Age Group like Adult, Teenager and Children.  For more on this, visit….

Evangelism & Soul Winning

This is our Primary Assignment as Commanded by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19) and we are Committed to doing this by Lunching into the Heart of our Communities, City and Nation on a daily basis starting from Reflecting the Love of God in our Relationship with people wherever we find ourselves.  We Encourage our Members through various Teachings of the Word to show Genuine, Unconditional Love of Christ to their Neighbour within the Community they live, Colleagues at Work or Schools, etc.

Also, we give out Literature and Tracts Produced by our Media and other Christian Organisations (Tracts Producing Ministries) to the people we come across in our daily activities. We also do the same during our Weekly Evangelism (Saturdays) as Weather Permits. During this time, we Prayerfully go out to speak to the Local People about the Love of Christ for our world (Prov. 11:30).

Media &Tracts Production

This is a Ministry in Charge of our Publications. This Ministry is very Important and Strategic in Providing Simple but Good Quality Documents needed for Furthering the Work of the Kingdom especially in the Digital Era we live today.

Charity Works

This creates Opportunity for our Parish to Participate in the Work of Other Sister Charity Organisations.


This is an Important Ministry in the Body of Christ. For the Work of the Kingdom to be Effective there must be Outpouring of the Power of God through the Presence of the Holy Spirit and this cannot happen except through the Sacrifice made by the Intercessors and this Parish recognises this.

At the moment, due to Time and Space Constraint, we Meet for Half an Hour Every Week before our mid-week meeting for Fervent and Effective Prayers for our Parish and the Body of Christ in general. But we pray in Cell Group some other Times at the Leadership Level for the same purpose.

Ushering & Treasury

These two Ministries Overseeing Orderliness and Offering & Other Contributions during the Church Sessions. They are Vital to the Parish Growth as they Reflect the Image of the Church and Christ to the would be Parishioner especially the First Time Comers (Visitors).


This is the Group of People in Charge of Visiting New Members who would like to be Visited. They comprise of the Pastor and other Matured Christians/Ministers who can give Godly Counsel.

Welfare/ Hospitality

Many times, in the past, we have Helped People who are in need like the Young Offenders, Elderly, Homeless, Single Parents and Students. Also, during Special Occasions like Annual Conference, Seminars and Special Programs, this Ministry Provides Menu for the Attendee. They also Entertain the New Comers after Sunday Services.


This Department is Responsible for the Day to Day Running of the Parish. They are saddled with the task of preparing Parish’s Monthly Returns to the RCCG Central Office. It is also their responsibility to make sure that the Parish’s Yearly Financial Account is Prepared by a Professional Accounting Firm and Subsequently Presented to the Board of the Trustees.